Meet oGoing Small Business of the Day Dan Judge, President of Judge Netting.
"We self-perform 95% of our work, are a California family owned SBE S Corporation with an A, C-10, and C-13 licenses including hazmat certifications. We have been in business in our unique industry for 19 years. We are bondable to $6 million, licensed in 12 western states and have locations in Southern California (Orange County) and Northern California (Alameda County). We can drill to 26’ depths, manlift to 195 feet, haul oversize loads to up to 115’ long, and Crane lift to 38 tons. We also maintain a large stock of poles both wood and steel at lengths to 100 plus feet and all types of netting and commercial screening.
We construct, maintain, engineer, and design netting and related structures for golf, sports, landfill, environmental, dust containment, and avian exclusion applications." - Dan Judge, President, Judge Netting
Dan's Favorite quote
"There’s no such thing as Business Ethics, There’s only Ethics." - John C. Maxwell
Connect with Dan and Judge Netting on oGoing at @danjudge
When you do meet Dan, ask him to give you a local referral in Southern California